Wednesday, September 19, 2007

News, News, News

As if anyone reads this....but for my own piece of mind I will tell the world. I have recently tried out for the school college play. And I got the lead lady part. Very exciting. Since mainly I've always been second string....more to come on the play taking place....oh the name of the play is Pecos Bill and the Ghost Stampede. ;-)

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

life is still going

So I'm back home in NJ. Thank God. I love my family and my friends but I really like life out here. I've got a little under 4 months to go for the wedding. And I get more and more exctied everyday. I can't wait.

School started yesterday and I was sooo excited....but then today came and it was biology class and now I'm back to stressing out. I'm positive I have ADD. I couldn't sit still or concentrate at all. And its bad when you catch your own self spacing out. So I bought some fish oil pills and am hoping for a good turn out. Also the damn books are way to expensive. The only positive thing I see is I get to sell them back. :-)

I'm also sooooooo tired!! I get sleep but still wake up exhausted. I'm probably going to eat someething and then try to nap.

So cereal here I come....and bed you better watch out cause I'm hitting you next!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Can't sleep

I hate it when I wake up so freaking tired but can't go to sleep because my mind is racing thinking of all the things that one would say if they really had the balls to do so. Which I know is weird coming from me, I person who rarely shuts up. But I'm also the person that thinks of everyone else first and then I think of me. So for that reason I don't say any thing for just fear of hurting people's feelings or just not saying what I want to say correctly and making myself sound like an idiot. So I write this because no one reads it and it at least lets me get it all out and said.

Now I drive 1100 miles home for the summer to see my family and friends but in reality I don't really see either. In my head before I come home it seems like a good idea. But now that I'm here I have to continue to drive to them if I want face time. I just find this to be very sad. I want so badly for people to just give a shit once in a while and see what kind of assholes they are being. I understand not having money, cause believe me I'm not rolling in it. I got 2 jobs this summer to pay for a wedding and all I'm actually paying for is bills. It never stops. So I'll be paying for my wedding using loans and continuing paying on it for years to come.

And people don't have the means to go out of their way to see me......

Monday, May 21, 2007

Wierdo Migraine

Oh I hate my head....I go to a neurologist to see what the hell the problem is and they send me to get all these tests done. I go in today to find out the results and all I find out is I'm probably deeper in debt. Its a pain I can not explain. All I can say is you don't want it. All I want is to know what it is...something that I can take meds for and it wont hurt anymore....stupid thought...right. Ughhhh well on the upside Adam and I leave Friday Morn for KC So the countdown will begin!! HOORAAAYYY Oh and I do't have a tumor in brain or cancer...and all my stuff came back normal. So thats good news too!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Its getting so close to get to go home

My god I can't wait. Last night adam and I filled our bottles of wine for the party favores for the wedding and today Adam and I took the riverline to Riverside, NJ today. We ate some food and then the storm came in so we had to hurry up and head back home. But man it was some good eatin!! :-) Tomorrow we will put the pretty stuff on top the bottle's and they will be ready to take back to KC with us for the summer. Tonight I'm going to attempt to make some save the date magnets. :-) Oh wedding stuff I've missed youso much!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Done. DONE And DONE!

Finals are done!!! Friends have went back home. :-( I really enjoyed having a girl around. :-) Adam and I now have to find something to do till we go back home. I got me some contacts yesterday and my brain scanned on wed. If I didn't have to wait for the results I'd already be back in Kansas! :-)

Friday, May 04, 2007

3 more exams

And weekend will Melissa do this? I have magic thats how....and I can't wait for the guests!! But its almost midnight and I need sleep!!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

The most amazing birthday ever from the most amazing guy

I am constantly surprised by Adam and right now...I don't know how I got soooo lucky!!! Freaking amazing!! Thank you Baby...I LOVE YOU!!!

Friday, April 27, 2007

The birthday begins at Midnight!!

What'dcha all get me? I know what the school got me.....som big ol fat finals!! Dman the school ruining all my fun. But I'm sleeping in tomorrow!! :-) And thats final...and then I'm going to yell at people on the is what i do best!! I will up date later with how the birthday is going!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Check em out...if anyone reads this shit I'll figure out how to get an actual sound bite on here somehow..someday....soon....but for now must get back to fucking studying.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

4 more days left of 23

And no one else is counting but me.....But I just can't help it. Although I'm not sure which I'm more concerned with right b-day or this damn studying. Studying would be simple if I could just set aside an entire day to it. But other things clutter up my day. Although I'd like to say today was rather productive. I took Dezi on a walk with my honey. Then we got lunch and then I registered for my fall semester. Which I'm doing all online. I may shoot myself later for that one. But I had to. I want all school stuff to be done early Dec. so that I can focus completly on the wedding. I'm seriously going crazy with that. Lets see then I went to class and about had a panic attack because aparently we have to do an essay portion to the final, which wouldn't be so bad if it didn't have to be all in SPANISH!!! My GOD. Shoot me. Then I did some homework in between class and picking up the kid I babysit. Got the kid, took him to his doctor stuff and then came back home. And now I'm being lazy....or procrastinating. I just want to be done with school it stresses me tooo much. I also need a summer job......cause this wedding is not going to pay for itself. :-(
Other sucky my b-day week lands smack in the middle of finals......HOW IS THAT FUN!!!

Monday, April 23, 2007

5 more days

And the Birthday will be mine.....but first I must do this damn paper....instead I'm doing anything but the damn paper!! i think I colored my eyebrows to dark....or left the stuff on to long this time...either way they are burning right I'm going to go jump in the shower. :-)

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Oh so very drunk Melissa

I've learned one thing this weekend....DO NOT PLAY BEER PONG!! Very very bad Idea......
I still feel a little sick. It is sad....this is what happens as you get old. I've got 6 days lefft to enjoy my young 23....So here it goes age.....come and get me!!!

Also douche's that we played in soccer today can suck my imaginary NUTS!!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Monday, April 16, 2007

State of Emergency

Adam gets to wake up to no school and I'm just saying no!! Well except that I need to go do a make up test. HA HA...but other than that FUCK THE DUMB SHIT!!! I ain't going out there. YUCK

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Ceiling Drama

Adam and I woke up to quite a surprise this morning. Our ceiling is leaking and crumbling. I barely touched the damn thing and my thum went right through it. OH THE PLEASURE OF RENTING. SO ya..the rain wont stop. The funnest part of this all is.....we live on the second floor. So either the top floors ceiling has fallen in or they left a window open. Hopefully this ends soon or I'm going to scream. UGHHHH

Friday, April 13, 2007

Adam's home....well he's been here for 2 days

But I'm just now getting on to write of this shitty experiance. First and foremost I hope that everyone finds that special someone someday that they seriously don't want to be without...its an amazing feeling.
Now onto the Adam he was suppose to come home Tuesday night but as he was entering the gate to get on the plane an officer decided to search him....not anyone else just him. Aparently he looks like a terroist. So he missed his flight. They then put him on a flight for Wed. morning and he arived safe and sound in Jersey Wed afternoon. Now to make this story even more interesting.....I (after finding out the news of what had just happened to Adam) called the airport wanting to know why this search was done and who requested it. The man on the phone then proceeded to tell me that none of his security officers so anything of the sort...and basically told me that I was a liar.......So then I got really pissed...and told him that I wasn't getting off the phone till he found out what the Hell just happened. Only for him to get back on the phone and say that some cop did a random search.....and I asked why...and the man on the phone then procceded to tell me that it wasn't his problem........I have an anger problem....and it takes alot to push me over the edge....but this man probably wished he was dead after this comment....I then chewed his ear off for a good really didn't get me anywhere...but it made me feel a little bit better. So KC airport is full of a bunch of ignorant security cops. If you are one...I'm so sorry.....but you need to go slap this guy in the face for giving you all a bad name!! I WILL TELL EVERYONE!!!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Day 3 without my Adam

Its a sad day...I don't like it and have slept most of the day. Besides getting up to stuff my face with easter food. I can't wait till Tuesday. This is just too much!!!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

How dreams seem weird

So Adam's gone and last night was my first night to sleep alone.....but thats when your mind plays tricks on you....See I had this dream that Adam crawled into bed and I was soooo happy I wrapped my arms around him and then the dog started licking my face.....Damn Puppy. Oh well Thats what I get. HA HA...but in all seriousness Blonde Redhead has a new CD coming out that everyone should own.

Adam's in KC and I'm in FUCKIN JERSEY

Well its 1:05Am and I can not sleep. I wish I was in Kansas City......but oh well. I get to work on my being alone skills. Which did I mention how much those skills suck. See what happens when I'm alone is pretty much just sad....cause I'll just keep on cleaning until well there is nothing more to clean....but then I'll find more things to clean or re-arrange. Although I've found the movie theater is a pretty great place to just forget everything else that is going I may be investing in a weekend pass to the movie's.....hopefully there is such a thing. if not...maybe they'll let me bring in my sleeping bag and puppy to stay the weekend.
So a movie that everyone should go see is The Lookout. Very good movie....the previews just don't give it the props it deserves. I also must say that Joseph Gordon Levitt did amazing in this movie. So if you've got a sec go check it out.....unless you should be studying and in that case do that first! :-P Cause technically I did study today too. I was extremely productive. Although I would have rather been snuggled up on the couch watching movies with Adam...maybe he can fit that in when he gets back.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Things that gets me really pissed off

Girls that get upset that they aren't in someones wedding.....girls that trash talk about the girls fiance because they think its his fault that the girl doesn't call that much anymore. There's no comparing needed.......I'm more happy now than I have ever been in my life....and how dare you for trash talking my hapiness....if you got something to say you best say it to my face or keep your mouth shut!!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

2 never looked at

So Adam and I have our own special blog that we write on back and forth to each other. Its really great..except that it really hasn't been touched in a long time. But the other day I posted a blog on it that was meant to go on this one. I didn't realize it. But It did give me a nice surprise when my baby has been writting on it....and I just found my cute little messeges...good times. Anyways. for all that read this and for my own self gratification, Adam and I have got some serious headway on this wedding stuff. I've got my wedding dress..Adam has his tux. We got the invitations done ordered, party favors being made, and now I just need to find bridesmaid dresses for my girls. Thats the hard part. :-( But school is almost over and I will be home soon to really put my 2 cents in.
ON a complete other note Adam made homemade Biscuits and gravy this morning...I've only ate the biscuits, because, well they are sitting in front of me...and I like to eat.

Monday, February 26, 2007

School....Wedding....oh which one do I want to focus on today

Oh you picked it....The Wedding...its just so much fun to plan. Although I have a paper due in an hour and all I want to do is write in my pretty new wedding organizer. So here I am blogging and not doing either of the above..isn't waisting time fun. :-P
And doesn't reality T.V. suck when your fav team get booted out of the race. I don't think they were given a fair trail. You see No one that had those Judges advanced...but they were really good judges and gave really good feedback. So even if they didn't move on to the next round I think they got more than those other teams did to help them in real life court room experiances.

I'm so Proud of my boys.....I wish you all could have seen Bret and Adam. They were (as the fraze was coined by Adam) DYNOMITE!!!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

My own life reality T.V. Show

So here it is....6:40pm and I'm waiting like something huge is getting ready to happen. But the thing is that something huge is getting ready to happen. Tonight is the begining of the Hunter Moot Court Challenge. Its like watching apprentice but no weird comb over guy waiting in the board room. And this is a court Ya Completly different but all the same exciting! :-) More will come to tell of the Court Room experiance.......

Friday, February 16, 2007

Planning a wedding

Sounds simple at first...but when you get down to thenitty gritty of it all.......You just hope you don't forget something....But its an amazing feeling to plan to spend the rest of your life with someone. It makes you feel whole, like this is what you were living your life for......and I can't wait to keep on living it with him. I love you Adam!!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The art of procrastination 2

I guess I should explain the procrastination....I've got 5 is online...and everytime I get online to do that course....I find every other site in the world to help me not getting my work done! TAADAAAHHH......I'm a procrastinating nightmare.

The art of procrastination

Hopefully thats how you spell that....Cause I do believe I've conquered it. Anyways. Today I think I've hit a "I can't get any more upset" mode. Does anyone have a friend that just refuses to call you back or just can't seem to find time to even write you and say hello. Aparently I am to be found soooo low on their totem pole that I just don't even get thought of anymore. And I find this to be shit.....absolute shit!

Monday, February 05, 2007

The Superbowl.....or what I saw of it

So Bret threw a Superbowl party that would rock the socks off of any normal human being......And I helped....and So did Adam. We combined all our forces and had some of the best snacky's around. YUM YUM in my tum tum.....Chili....Queso....all the different kinds of dips and chips and I'd liek to say the best was Bret's AMAZING......Bananna Pudding. Holy Cow that shit was off the hook. Now the game.....from the begining I was soooo excited and very sure of those Bears......SO I began to drink in celebration....again this is when it goes wrong....I get ahead of my self and what happened???????? We lost. Its okay though we have plenty other things to celebrate...good food...good friends....and great moments together. :-)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Cops suck balls

COurt sux even bigger balls.....Cops write you a ticket to appear in court at 8:30......court doesn't start till 9......You don't even get called till 11....bullshit I tell you....BULL SHIT...I'm tired......and now I have to go to class!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Call me Ms. Superstition

So I've jumped the gun and spoke to soon. Funny thing happens when I do this.......things get all fucked up. It's weird....if I say I want a team to win they lose...and if I say they'll lose.....they normally win. Its pretty much how my life goes. I get all excited and then thats when it happens.....I done douched myself over. This sux on many levels....because I am and or was really excited. Now I just feel like a Douche.......and so the story goes.......

Sunday, January 28, 2007

I drank a whole beer.....

Thats intire beer was consumed....and Adam watched. :-) We took a little drive to the King of Prusia Mall today.....which is the biggest mall ever. In this mall was a little micro brewery....and I decided to give a beer a chance. I will admit it was good. But I wont turn my bak on those Margarita's......On another note...nothing is more cooler than going where you aren't suppose to and getting lost with my baby. :-)

Lazy Sunday

Nuttin better than Steak and Eggs for Breakfast. YUM YUM....sometimes I'm a genious. HA HA
So yesterday was interesting....we took Dezi to the Dog park. Where she meet some other puppys and ran ran ran. Also it was quite muddy at the she got a bath when we got home. And now she smells just like my Warm Vanilla Sugar body gel.....:-) I can't have her smellin like a dog. Jeeze. The puppy and the kitty are both asleep in front of the heater. Way toooo cute. what to do today? Maybe I will go shopping. HA HA or I'll study......or I'll sleep some more...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Cops....Your pissing me off

Okay so I'm driving.. not doing anything wrong....I swear... Then this cop gets right up on my ass. Rides it for awhile....and then swerves into the next lane to ride that cars ass for a little while, then swearves in front of me and rides that cars ass for a little while. Now I realize the cop has a gun so they feel as if they are invincible...but come on!!! Your going to cause an accident.....and i know the only reason your ridding asses is because you reading tags. DOUCHE BAG!!

Happy note...I developed some film today...the film was taken way back from God knows when...and from when Adam and I first started dating. There is this one picture of me that is amazing. And then there's a picture of Channing and Tom....In these 2 photos it looks as if they are taking a shit. In a chair...or at least posing as if they are.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What more could I want

I'm having a little issue lately...where nothing really seems to be good enough. Lets take my skinny ass body for example.....I'm extremely thin....but when I look down all I see is pudge. What the hell.....I do not have an eating disorder. I work out...and I still don't feel better about myself. And then there's this article in Life and Style Magazine. Aparently Angelina is affraid she's going to lose Brad to Jennifer. Angelina doesn't feel as if she's got what it takes to keep him around.......she has to be hands down the most beautiful person that has ever walked this earth......but she's incredibly insecure. Which then inturn makes me feel better. I can pick out a million girls that I think would be more compatible with Adam. But for some reason he chooses to stay dating me. Even with all my crazy issues. So the question is will Brad stay? Or will he head back to Jennifer?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

the anxiety is rising

For some odd reason there is something wrong. I can't quite put a finger on it....but I know I'm not happy about it. My heart beats incredably fast...and I can't seem to sit still. Now this moment I'm having is most commonly known as "Melissa's Crazy Time" But the question is what could this be about? Its kinda like a panic attack... I hope others get these moments too.
I'm currently at the kid's house (the one in which I babysit for 3 hours, 3 days a week.) I should be studying spanish, but as you can see I'm on here trying to figure out what the hell is bothering me...or let me re-phrase that.....telling all that I'm wacko....oh how life is sooo fun.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Exciting times to come

Pretty cool things are going older sister is getting married. I'm soooo happy for her. Sal and Christina have been together for 6yrs. and are now finally going to tie the knot. WAHOOOO....Congrats...Love you guys

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Re-arranging, Re-arranging....Oh How I need more room...

My winter break is officially over. This sux. I had 3 classes today. The first starting at 11:00am and the last ending at 7:50pm. I scheduled it this way so that I could have time in between classes to study and to do any homework that needs to be done. Now normally I try to make my classes go one right after the other....but I'm going to try out this method and see how it works. I'll get back to you on that one at the end of the semester.
So I decided I didn't like the apt's I moved everything around. It doesn't look as pretty...but damn't I can at least see when I set at the desk now. ;-)
Today also was the first day of my "need to be fit, get your ass out of bed" excersise routine. Now I know I'm not fat.....but I've got some pudge....thats just not doing me any good. So I'm doing something about it.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Oh Boston...How pretty thou are

Holocaust Memorial Paul Revere's ASS

Brooke and ChanningModern Pastry
Boston Massacre Graveyard
Drinks with friends
Streets of SalemHappy Birthday Adam

So Saturday morning Adam and I caught our plane to Boston to spend an amazing weekend with friends. After hardly any sleep and a small second to rest, Channing and his wonderful girlfriend Brooke began the tour of Boston. There's just so much to see in Boston that I almost think one should stay there at least a week to get a full Boston experiance. Not to say that I didn't see alot just that I would love to see more...this is why I plan to go back...hopefully sooner than later. Its just soooo beautiful there. So anyways we walked around pretty much all day Saturday seeing the sights....had some drinks, then went back to Brooke's to nap and then meet new friends. What great friends...great wine.....and great party tricks. After drinnking enough wine to probably do me for the rest of the month we all headed for bed. The bed I must say is a will keep you there forever, holding you in the comfort of its soft pillowie arms. It was a great bed, Thanks Brooke!!!
Now onto Sunday. After waking with an absolutly horrible wine headache, we drank coffee and began to get ready for our journey to Salem, MA. Oh but wait.....Adam's phone's ringing.....thats odd, why's his phone ringing.....OH SHIT....I've done forgot that today is my baby's birthday. It was Adam's parents on the phone, they beat everyone to giving Adam his first birthday wish of the day. So year....I have to step it up to be the first...Again I'm sorry baby, But HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Ya so we went to Salem....a place that I had always wanted to go and more down on my list. If only the weather would have held out just a little bit longer so we could have walked around the witchy town of Salem...but I plan to go back and see this town again....maybe in October. ;-) HA HA But we did get to meet Channing's very nice sister Sara..hopefully i spelt it right....whom lives in an absolutly beautiful home almost right off the square in Salem. How lucky is she? Channing and Sara together is makes you just love having siblings. :-)
-side note on all this is Sara basically picked out Brooke to marry her brother long before Brooke and Channing ever met. And I don't think she could have picked anyone more perfect than Brooke.
Ya, so we headed back to Boston to see a little bit more of the city, before heading in for the night to celebrate Adam's birthday the only way that really trully makes him happy.....with his close and dear friends...and fondue! HA HA....
Monday, am I telling you that bed just sucks you in....and then doesn't want to let you go. After Adam and Brooke and I finally got up we headed out for Zaftigs...again I hope that is how you spell it......Ohhhhh sooo yummy. Channing left us that morning to head back to Vermont leaving Brooke to entertain us till we got on our plane to head back home to Jersey. We went to this absolutly overwhelming consignment shop. Now I'm telling you this is a shop you should only go to if you 1. have an intire day to look the place over from top to bottom, or 2. You have specific items you are going there to look :-) Then we took a little spin around Harvard....then headed back to the airport....and now we are home all (Bret, Adam and I) sitting on the couch watching the Golden Globes....Hope you enjoy the pictures of this wonderful weekend!!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Oh the Happy happy Joy Joy of Christmas

The crazyness of the Holidays is now finally settling down. We've seen family, we've seen friends, and we even saw the dear old cops....once agian...I do believe it has become a holiday tradition, that I will hopefully break. But all n all great fun for everyone. :-)

But being back here in Jersey makes me want to go home now more than ever. I deffinitly can not spend the rest of my life living in the ass backwards state. With their ass backwards rules. Oh where should this story begin. Maybe back when we got our plates for our car and our licensed change to Legal Jersey residents. Back when we thought we did all that we were suppose to to make this damn state happy. Or maybe just maybe it was today when we got pulled over by this wonderful cop today who just decided to run our tags, for no reason other than she was bored I'm guessing, But sure enough she runs the tags only to find that our vehicle registration had not been renewed and since we had no clue about this fucked up rule "in the state of New Jersey if your vehicle is not properly registered they are required to tow it." No ifs and's or but's about it. Luckily she said if we could run to the DMV get it all taken care and back here before the tow truck gets here she'd let us drive away with our car.
So like a maniac I'm on it. We call our wonderful downstairs neighbor he comes and picks us up rushing us to the DMV. I then call the dispatcher immediatly once the car is back in the clear to tell the cop to not have our car towed. it we just have to go to court on Feb. 1st to pay the stupid fine and show proof of registration.