Friday, April 13, 2007

Adam's home....well he's been here for 2 days

But I'm just now getting on to write of this shitty experiance. First and foremost I hope that everyone finds that special someone someday that they seriously don't want to be without...its an amazing feeling.
Now onto the Adam he was suppose to come home Tuesday night but as he was entering the gate to get on the plane an officer decided to search him....not anyone else just him. Aparently he looks like a terroist. So he missed his flight. They then put him on a flight for Wed. morning and he arived safe and sound in Jersey Wed afternoon. Now to make this story even more interesting.....I (after finding out the news of what had just happened to Adam) called the airport wanting to know why this search was done and who requested it. The man on the phone then proceeded to tell me that none of his security officers so anything of the sort...and basically told me that I was a liar.......So then I got really pissed...and told him that I wasn't getting off the phone till he found out what the Hell just happened. Only for him to get back on the phone and say that some cop did a random search.....and I asked why...and the man on the phone then procceded to tell me that it wasn't his problem........I have an anger problem....and it takes alot to push me over the edge....but this man probably wished he was dead after this comment....I then chewed his ear off for a good really didn't get me anywhere...but it made me feel a little bit better. So KC airport is full of a bunch of ignorant security cops. If you are one...I'm so sorry.....but you need to go slap this guy in the face for giving you all a bad name!! I WILL TELL EVERYONE!!!

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