Thursday, January 25, 2007

Cops....Your pissing me off

Okay so I'm driving.. not doing anything wrong....I swear... Then this cop gets right up on my ass. Rides it for awhile....and then swerves into the next lane to ride that cars ass for a little while, then swearves in front of me and rides that cars ass for a little while. Now I realize the cop has a gun so they feel as if they are invincible...but come on!!! Your going to cause an accident.....and i know the only reason your ridding asses is because you reading tags. DOUCHE BAG!!

Happy note...I developed some film today...the film was taken way back from God knows when...and from when Adam and I first started dating. There is this one picture of me that is amazing. And then there's a picture of Channing and Tom....In these 2 photos it looks as if they are taking a shit. In a chair...or at least posing as if they are.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What more could I want

I'm having a little issue lately...where nothing really seems to be good enough. Lets take my skinny ass body for example.....I'm extremely thin....but when I look down all I see is pudge. What the hell.....I do not have an eating disorder. I work out...and I still don't feel better about myself. And then there's this article in Life and Style Magazine. Aparently Angelina is affraid she's going to lose Brad to Jennifer. Angelina doesn't feel as if she's got what it takes to keep him around.......she has to be hands down the most beautiful person that has ever walked this earth......but she's incredibly insecure. Which then inturn makes me feel better. I can pick out a million girls that I think would be more compatible with Adam. But for some reason he chooses to stay dating me. Even with all my crazy issues. So the question is will Brad stay? Or will he head back to Jennifer?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

the anxiety is rising

For some odd reason there is something wrong. I can't quite put a finger on it....but I know I'm not happy about it. My heart beats incredably fast...and I can't seem to sit still. Now this moment I'm having is most commonly known as "Melissa's Crazy Time" But the question is what could this be about? Its kinda like a panic attack... I hope others get these moments too.
I'm currently at the kid's house (the one in which I babysit for 3 hours, 3 days a week.) I should be studying spanish, but as you can see I'm on here trying to figure out what the hell is bothering me...or let me re-phrase that.....telling all that I'm wacko....oh how life is sooo fun.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Exciting times to come

Pretty cool things are going older sister is getting married. I'm soooo happy for her. Sal and Christina have been together for 6yrs. and are now finally going to tie the knot. WAHOOOO....Congrats...Love you guys