Friday, December 15, 2006

Tomorrow..I love ya

So finals all done. heading out tomorrow morning. Sooooo sleepy.....need some TLC...if ya know what I thing is the people I babysit for gave me 10 bottles of their homemade wine to take home to try out with the family. And which ever I like will be my christmas present....they'll make me a whole batch...just for me!! :-) How cool is that!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


after the most exhausting finals ever. 1 more to go. But I'm not scared. I've got that one in the bag....well maybe. I still need to talk Adam into prof-reading my paper and helping me make just a page longer.
acomplishments of the day
-World Civ Final got its booty smacked all on the floor.
-shopping done for pretty much everyone on my christmas list.....sorry honey I know we said no buying for each other. I just couldn't resist.
-Scarf done for downstairs neighbor...Bret..maybe just the best neighbor ever.
-most of the house clean and ready for our departure to KC

It amazing as I write this trying to make sure I've got every thing that i did today....I look out my window and the fog is sooooo thick I can't even see the bridge. Amazing. Oh and did I mention its like in the 50's. ITS DECEMBER....where is my snow already.

Well anyways..I've been up since a little before 6am and I'm sooo sleepy so to bed for hopefuly only one more night of me holding my pillow instead of my baby.....pssss he's studying for finals...sleep aparently isn't required.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

out and about

So one more final down...and if this crazy teacher gives me less than an A...I will scream. She's a crazy crazy bitch. And as a show of this, basically the whole class is going to the dean if we all don't get A's. We all opened the book maybe once in class...and one of the girls turned in the same summary over and over again getting an A on it each time.... So Ya. She's a nut.

Also for those that are ever using other people's computers and don't want to download any messengers but still want to keep in touch with your friends then try out...
It's an awesome program!! I love it!

Monday, December 11, 2006

One more day down

4 more to go....and Adam and I will be heading back to KC. And we both will be done with finals.

Dezi got her stiches out today. She has also been chewing on a bone 4 days straight. I'm not sure if I should take it away and let her give her mouth a break or just let her keep going at it. I guess 4 more days chewing on it wouldn't hurt. She can give her mouth a break of christmas vacation....Okay back to studing. :-)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Today I start

I figured I'd start a day Diary...If you want to read it, then read away...If not I really don't care.

I'm starting this because in my opinion Myspace is driving me crazy and I am completly bored with it. Sure its nice to stay in touch with people and see those that you haven't seen in forever but then there's those people you wish you had never seen and wish you could have stayed not seeing them again. May not make sense to anyone. but it does to me.
On Side sux....I'm reading to head back to KC already...I'm ready for other people to make me food...and for me to eat it!! :-) I'm also ready for finals to be over...CAUSE THEY SUCK!

And that is all for today