Monday, January 15, 2007

Oh Boston...How pretty thou are

Holocaust Memorial Paul Revere's ASS

Brooke and ChanningModern Pastry
Boston Massacre Graveyard
Drinks with friends
Streets of SalemHappy Birthday Adam

So Saturday morning Adam and I caught our plane to Boston to spend an amazing weekend with friends. After hardly any sleep and a small second to rest, Channing and his wonderful girlfriend Brooke began the tour of Boston. There's just so much to see in Boston that I almost think one should stay there at least a week to get a full Boston experiance. Not to say that I didn't see alot just that I would love to see more...this is why I plan to go back...hopefully sooner than later. Its just soooo beautiful there. So anyways we walked around pretty much all day Saturday seeing the sights....had some drinks, then went back to Brooke's to nap and then meet new friends. What great friends...great wine.....and great party tricks. After drinnking enough wine to probably do me for the rest of the month we all headed for bed. The bed I must say is a will keep you there forever, holding you in the comfort of its soft pillowie arms. It was a great bed, Thanks Brooke!!!
Now onto Sunday. After waking with an absolutly horrible wine headache, we drank coffee and began to get ready for our journey to Salem, MA. Oh but wait.....Adam's phone's ringing.....thats odd, why's his phone ringing.....OH SHIT....I've done forgot that today is my baby's birthday. It was Adam's parents on the phone, they beat everyone to giving Adam his first birthday wish of the day. So year....I have to step it up to be the first...Again I'm sorry baby, But HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Ya so we went to Salem....a place that I had always wanted to go and more down on my list. If only the weather would have held out just a little bit longer so we could have walked around the witchy town of Salem...but I plan to go back and see this town again....maybe in October. ;-) HA HA But we did get to meet Channing's very nice sister Sara..hopefully i spelt it right....whom lives in an absolutly beautiful home almost right off the square in Salem. How lucky is she? Channing and Sara together is makes you just love having siblings. :-)
-side note on all this is Sara basically picked out Brooke to marry her brother long before Brooke and Channing ever met. And I don't think she could have picked anyone more perfect than Brooke.
Ya, so we headed back to Boston to see a little bit more of the city, before heading in for the night to celebrate Adam's birthday the only way that really trully makes him happy.....with his close and dear friends...and fondue! HA HA....
Monday, am I telling you that bed just sucks you in....and then doesn't want to let you go. After Adam and Brooke and I finally got up we headed out for Zaftigs...again I hope that is how you spell it......Ohhhhh sooo yummy. Channing left us that morning to head back to Vermont leaving Brooke to entertain us till we got on our plane to head back home to Jersey. We went to this absolutly overwhelming consignment shop. Now I'm telling you this is a shop you should only go to if you 1. have an intire day to look the place over from top to bottom, or 2. You have specific items you are going there to look :-) Then we took a little spin around Harvard....then headed back to the airport....and now we are home all (Bret, Adam and I) sitting on the couch watching the Golden Globes....Hope you enjoy the pictures of this wonderful weekend!!!

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