Saturday, March 24, 2007

2 never looked at

So Adam and I have our own special blog that we write on back and forth to each other. Its really great..except that it really hasn't been touched in a long time. But the other day I posted a blog on it that was meant to go on this one. I didn't realize it. But It did give me a nice surprise when my baby has been writting on it....and I just found my cute little messeges...good times. Anyways. for all that read this and for my own self gratification, Adam and I have got some serious headway on this wedding stuff. I've got my wedding dress..Adam has his tux. We got the invitations done ordered, party favors being made, and now I just need to find bridesmaid dresses for my girls. Thats the hard part. :-( But school is almost over and I will be home soon to really put my 2 cents in.
ON a complete other note Adam made homemade Biscuits and gravy this morning...I've only ate the biscuits, because, well they are sitting in front of me...and I like to eat.