Friday, April 27, 2007

The birthday begins at Midnight!!

What'dcha all get me? I know what the school got me.....som big ol fat finals!! Dman the school ruining all my fun. But I'm sleeping in tomorrow!! :-) And thats final...and then I'm going to yell at people on the is what i do best!! I will up date later with how the birthday is going!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Check em out...if anyone reads this shit I'll figure out how to get an actual sound bite on here somehow..someday....soon....but for now must get back to fucking studying.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

4 more days left of 23

And no one else is counting but me.....But I just can't help it. Although I'm not sure which I'm more concerned with right b-day or this damn studying. Studying would be simple if I could just set aside an entire day to it. But other things clutter up my day. Although I'd like to say today was rather productive. I took Dezi on a walk with my honey. Then we got lunch and then I registered for my fall semester. Which I'm doing all online. I may shoot myself later for that one. But I had to. I want all school stuff to be done early Dec. so that I can focus completly on the wedding. I'm seriously going crazy with that. Lets see then I went to class and about had a panic attack because aparently we have to do an essay portion to the final, which wouldn't be so bad if it didn't have to be all in SPANISH!!! My GOD. Shoot me. Then I did some homework in between class and picking up the kid I babysit. Got the kid, took him to his doctor stuff and then came back home. And now I'm being lazy....or procrastinating. I just want to be done with school it stresses me tooo much. I also need a summer job......cause this wedding is not going to pay for itself. :-(
Other sucky my b-day week lands smack in the middle of finals......HOW IS THAT FUN!!!

Monday, April 23, 2007

5 more days

And the Birthday will be mine.....but first I must do this damn paper....instead I'm doing anything but the damn paper!! i think I colored my eyebrows to dark....or left the stuff on to long this time...either way they are burning right I'm going to go jump in the shower. :-)