Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Oh the Happy happy Joy Joy of Christmas

The crazyness of the Holidays is now finally settling down. We've seen family, we've seen friends, and we even saw the dear old cops....once agian...I do believe it has become a holiday tradition, that I will hopefully break. But all n all great fun for everyone. :-)

But being back here in Jersey makes me want to go home now more than ever. I deffinitly can not spend the rest of my life living in the ass backwards state. With their ass backwards rules. Oh where should this story begin. Maybe back when we got our plates for our car and our licensed change to Legal Jersey residents. Back when we thought we did all that we were suppose to to make this damn state happy. Or maybe just maybe it was today when we got pulled over by this wonderful cop today who just decided to run our tags, for no reason other than she was bored I'm guessing, But sure enough she runs the tags only to find that our vehicle registration had not been renewed and since we had no clue about this fucked up rule "in the state of New Jersey if your vehicle is not properly registered they are required to tow it." No ifs and's or but's about it. Luckily she said if we could run to the DMV get it all taken care and back here before the tow truck gets here she'd let us drive away with our car.
So like a maniac I'm on it. We call our wonderful downstairs neighbor he comes and picks us up rushing us to the DMV. I then call the dispatcher immediatly once the car is back in the clear to tell the cop to not have our car towed. it we just have to go to court on Feb. 1st to pay the stupid fine and show proof of registration.


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