Wednesday, September 05, 2007

life is still going

So I'm back home in NJ. Thank God. I love my family and my friends but I really like life out here. I've got a little under 4 months to go for the wedding. And I get more and more exctied everyday. I can't wait.

School started yesterday and I was sooo excited....but then today came and it was biology class and now I'm back to stressing out. I'm positive I have ADD. I couldn't sit still or concentrate at all. And its bad when you catch your own self spacing out. So I bought some fish oil pills and am hoping for a good turn out. Also the damn books are way to expensive. The only positive thing I see is I get to sell them back. :-)

I'm also sooooooo tired!! I get sleep but still wake up exhausted. I'm probably going to eat someething and then try to nap.

So cereal here I come....and bed you better watch out cause I'm hitting you next!