Saturday, April 07, 2007

How dreams seem weird

So Adam's gone and last night was my first night to sleep alone.....but thats when your mind plays tricks on you....See I had this dream that Adam crawled into bed and I was soooo happy I wrapped my arms around him and then the dog started licking my face.....Damn Puppy. Oh well Thats what I get. HA HA...but in all seriousness Blonde Redhead has a new CD coming out that everyone should own.

Adam's in KC and I'm in FUCKIN JERSEY

Well its 1:05Am and I can not sleep. I wish I was in Kansas City......but oh well. I get to work on my being alone skills. Which did I mention how much those skills suck. See what happens when I'm alone is pretty much just sad....cause I'll just keep on cleaning until well there is nothing more to clean....but then I'll find more things to clean or re-arrange. Although I've found the movie theater is a pretty great place to just forget everything else that is going I may be investing in a weekend pass to the movie's.....hopefully there is such a thing. if not...maybe they'll let me bring in my sleeping bag and puppy to stay the weekend.
So a movie that everyone should go see is The Lookout. Very good movie....the previews just don't give it the props it deserves. I also must say that Joseph Gordon Levitt did amazing in this movie. So if you've got a sec go check it out.....unless you should be studying and in that case do that first! :-P Cause technically I did study today too. I was extremely productive. Although I would have rather been snuggled up on the couch watching movies with Adam...maybe he can fit that in when he gets back.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Things that gets me really pissed off

Girls that get upset that they aren't in someones wedding.....girls that trash talk about the girls fiance because they think its his fault that the girl doesn't call that much anymore. There's no comparing needed.......I'm more happy now than I have ever been in my life....and how dare you for trash talking my hapiness....if you got something to say you best say it to my face or keep your mouth shut!!