Saturday, April 21, 2007

Oh so very drunk Melissa

I've learned one thing this weekend....DO NOT PLAY BEER PONG!! Very very bad Idea......
I still feel a little sick. It is sad....this is what happens as you get old. I've got 6 days lefft to enjoy my young 23....So here it goes age.....come and get me!!!

Also douche's that we played in soccer today can suck my imaginary NUTS!!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Monday, April 16, 2007

State of Emergency

Adam gets to wake up to no school and I'm just saying no!! Well except that I need to go do a make up test. HA HA...but other than that FUCK THE DUMB SHIT!!! I ain't going out there. YUCK

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Ceiling Drama

Adam and I woke up to quite a surprise this morning. Our ceiling is leaking and crumbling. I barely touched the damn thing and my thum went right through it. OH THE PLEASURE OF RENTING. SO ya..the rain wont stop. The funnest part of this all is.....we live on the second floor. So either the top floors ceiling has fallen in or they left a window open. Hopefully this ends soon or I'm going to scream. UGHHHH