Wednesday, September 19, 2007

News, News, News

As if anyone reads this....but for my own piece of mind I will tell the world. I have recently tried out for the school college play. And I got the lead lady part. Very exciting. Since mainly I've always been second string....more to come on the play taking place....oh the name of the play is Pecos Bill and the Ghost Stampede. ;-)

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

life is still going

So I'm back home in NJ. Thank God. I love my family and my friends but I really like life out here. I've got a little under 4 months to go for the wedding. And I get more and more exctied everyday. I can't wait.

School started yesterday and I was sooo excited....but then today came and it was biology class and now I'm back to stressing out. I'm positive I have ADD. I couldn't sit still or concentrate at all. And its bad when you catch your own self spacing out. So I bought some fish oil pills and am hoping for a good turn out. Also the damn books are way to expensive. The only positive thing I see is I get to sell them back. :-)

I'm also sooooooo tired!! I get sleep but still wake up exhausted. I'm probably going to eat someething and then try to nap.

So cereal here I come....and bed you better watch out cause I'm hitting you next!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Can't sleep

I hate it when I wake up so freaking tired but can't go to sleep because my mind is racing thinking of all the things that one would say if they really had the balls to do so. Which I know is weird coming from me, I person who rarely shuts up. But I'm also the person that thinks of everyone else first and then I think of me. So for that reason I don't say any thing for just fear of hurting people's feelings or just not saying what I want to say correctly and making myself sound like an idiot. So I write this because no one reads it and it at least lets me get it all out and said.

Now I drive 1100 miles home for the summer to see my family and friends but in reality I don't really see either. In my head before I come home it seems like a good idea. But now that I'm here I have to continue to drive to them if I want face time. I just find this to be very sad. I want so badly for people to just give a shit once in a while and see what kind of assholes they are being. I understand not having money, cause believe me I'm not rolling in it. I got 2 jobs this summer to pay for a wedding and all I'm actually paying for is bills. It never stops. So I'll be paying for my wedding using loans and continuing paying on it for years to come.

And people don't have the means to go out of their way to see me......

Monday, May 21, 2007

Wierdo Migraine

Oh I hate my head....I go to a neurologist to see what the hell the problem is and they send me to get all these tests done. I go in today to find out the results and all I find out is I'm probably deeper in debt. Its a pain I can not explain. All I can say is you don't want it. All I want is to know what it is...something that I can take meds for and it wont hurt anymore....stupid thought...right. Ughhhh well on the upside Adam and I leave Friday Morn for KC So the countdown will begin!! HOORAAAYYY Oh and I do't have a tumor in brain or cancer...and all my stuff came back normal. So thats good news too!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Its getting so close to get to go home

My god I can't wait. Last night adam and I filled our bottles of wine for the party favores for the wedding and today Adam and I took the riverline to Riverside, NJ today. We ate some food and then the storm came in so we had to hurry up and head back home. But man it was some good eatin!! :-) Tomorrow we will put the pretty stuff on top the bottle's and they will be ready to take back to KC with us for the summer. Tonight I'm going to attempt to make some save the date magnets. :-) Oh wedding stuff I've missed youso much!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Done. DONE And DONE!

Finals are done!!! Friends have went back home. :-( I really enjoyed having a girl around. :-) Adam and I now have to find something to do till we go back home. I got me some contacts yesterday and my brain scanned on wed. If I didn't have to wait for the results I'd already be back in Kansas! :-)

Friday, May 04, 2007

3 more exams

And weekend will Melissa do this? I have magic thats how....and I can't wait for the guests!! But its almost midnight and I need sleep!!